Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ebb and flow....

The tide rolls in, the tide rolls out,
the ebb and flow pushes me about.

One day is hell, the next not quite as bad,
Wish only good days were all that I had.

Reality for me, has never been easy,
But maybe my life was not meant to be.

So I struggle to make progress, to move on within my life,
I want to be accepted and loved as a mother and wife.

I am poor, yet not needy, but can not pay my bills,
I am depressed and always sad, the pain it slowly kills.

Do not take for granted, your vacations, loves or friends,
or you could be like me, experience the pain that never ends.

I have none of that, no friends at all, no one wants me close,
They try to hide their feelings, but their distaste for me shows.

I have had a few reunions,  re-connections from the past,
But the happiness and joy I felt was never meant to last.

I don't know where I went wrong, if I am truly not worthwhile,
Or if I am a bad person, somehow nasty even vile.

I am sorry that you do not like me, that I am worth nothing to you,
I guess I am a terrible person not worth love or friendship too.

(Undiscovered Soul)