Monday, July 18, 2011

Fun House Mirrors...

All through your life
was struggle and strife
Deep down inside
the truth did not hide
You felt alone and jaded
sometimes judged and hated
Your self esteem was quite low
but you did not allow it to show
your life under constant dissection
your pain needed direction
when you found a pure being
who's life was clean and gleaming
 rising above their own strife
and still enjoy a happy life
so your pain did compound
with their joyful happiness around
you attacked without a care
your pain was yours to share
to point the blame onto others
 your hate and pain it smothers
removing the happiness and joy
any tactic you employ
to make others look bad
do to them what others had
done to you for many years
your hands are stained with their tears
for you find joy in their suffering
their happiness you're coveting
through their pain you find happiness
you find joy in their distress
you live your life unforgiving
but you'll get back what your giving.

(Undiscovered Soul)