Saturday, July 30, 2011

I've Tried...

I have tried to wear a happy face, to be strong
I have tried to please others, to fit in, to belong
It seems my energy was wasted, all my efforts derail
No matter how hard I try, it seems I am destined to fail
I change how I look, it works a short time
Then I give up and revert, seems failure's all mine

The pain cuts me like a knife
I've felt this pain my entire life
To try and try, to only fail
Over and over to no avail

To watch the world all having fun
It spins by in a constant run
I've never been welcomed, never fit in
I like to pretend that I have thick skin
But the truth remains it hurts to be I am
I feel like I am cursed, a sacrificial lamb

I try to be true to the real me
But that is not who you want me to be
Because to be that I am unloved and unwanted
You walk away completely undaunted
You do not care about the pain that I feel
Because to you my feelings are not real

You say I am over sensitive, to get stronger
But I do not feel I can hold on much longer
All I want is a good friend or two
Someone who is honest and true
Maybe no one will like me for me
Maybe my happiness was not meant to be

(Undiscovered Soul)