Sunday, July 17, 2011

Truth and lies....

The truth has come out,
Spit like venom….
 from your mouth
Putrid acid…
 of your words
Echo in my head……
 like sharp swords
Slashed away all.…..
 that was built
You want me pained……
 filled with guilt
My heart destroyed….
 filled with bile
Played as a pawn…
 all the while
You’re the master…
 pulled my strings
Made me your puppet…
 of all things
A sacrifice…
 for your cause
To break free….
 from your bars
 You spin lies….
And deceit
But watch your hands…
And your feet
For both are dirty….
And impure
Now covered…
In your own manure
For we get ….
What we give
And we spread....
 how we live

(Undiscovered Soul)